Shrimped in the Vortex

They say fortune favours the brave but try telling him that having plucked up the courage to talk to the festival goddess only for her to turn out to be the best friend of the girl he was with the night before. With The Killers providing the soundtrack (they’re actually still alright), the boy they called Dag was banished from Molly’s chamber to the dank reality of a festival escaping him. We plodded back to our camp deflated, resigned to an anti-climactic return to Dublin and a hangover capable of taking the whole plane down with us.unnamed  We’d saturated our WhatsApp group in preparation but all the Rice Crispy bars in the world couldn’t save us now. We were doomed… and then the musically inclined freaks and geeks convention threw us a doggy life.

From nowhere the sanctity of our circle was invaded by balloons- hundreds of them, our marquee threatening to launch into space at the hands of a Pixar fanatic claiming to be a Balloonatic. Transfixed, we clung to the coat tails of euphoria in vain, our intruder less stimulating than we’d hoped. But as the old saying goes, don’t judge a Balloonatic until you’ve told him to leave. Grasping a knife from a mystery pocket, he slashed the dreams of every helium balloon hoping to fly that night and oddly, we fed off it. I looked to the Dag with a glint in my eye as I could see the strength in his paw returning. There was no need to say anything. We were going on an adventure.

In the distance an illuminated tree growing from the sunroof of a Volkswagen Beetle caught our eye. We knew our cars. The thud of the base shot the lights from leaf to leaf as a rave emerged at the foot of the evergreen. There was life in this festival yet. From the trippers to those that couldn’t get up again, we’d stumbled across an apocalypse. A body of a girl rose from the abyss peering up at us through her conjunctivitis. She was Irish, and you could tell she was excited to see us by the way her head bobbled. As words failed her, our eyes focussed. Like zombies to fire the crowd gathered by the insufferable beat box, motionless and dribbling. If this was a nursery rhyme, then this porridge was long passed overcooked and our meal lay elsewhere.

We walked for miles yet nothing seemed to get closer. We never questioned the way because we didn’t know where we were going. At least that was my story, until we arrived. Greeted by Mike and his bag of brown crystals, we had found Wiggle’s friend Natalie’s camp.  No Natalie here, a guy dressed as a lion tried to introduce himself but his best efforts were hampered by an evacuation of the mind. Out from his lap perked up a blonde astronomer, keen to assemble our star signs before we went any further. Blatantly ignoring her we moved on to SteveO from Jackass dressed like he was auditioning for The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. It was hard to tell if he was smiling or suffering but I reckon he liked us. Beside him, Mitch from Modern Family and his fictitious nearby girlfriend. We swapped nonsensical blabbering that seemed important at the time and shared an American Pie style fraternal nod as if to say we’d found our people. And then came the Australian with the elephant.

He appeared from the darkness like Steve Irwin reincarnate carrying the lifeless beast on his shoulder.  I bet you boys have never seen anyone fist an elephant before? He was right. Staged like an Amsterdam sex show (or so I’ve heard), the lights came down on a violent act of anal jackhammering. The elephant’s trunk seemed to perform a satisfactory Mexican wave as we split our sides laughing in disbelief. I’m bloody shrimped after that fellas. He sat down beside us as we extended our olive bag but despite his infectious laugh it was hard to ignore the elephant in the room. Before we could pry, an Indian with a bathmat for a cape came to save the day. Brown Batman, the Aussie yelled, and so it stuck. The more we licked our palms clean of the brown dust the better it seemed to get. The elephant grew bigger, the Aussie louder, even Mike developed a voice. What do you call an Irishman sitting outside? Paddy O’Furniture. SteveO’s brain was visibly melting, Mitch was up and down to his imaginary girlfriend and Brown Batman’s facial expression had frozen in time.

Missed a spot.

Things reached a momentary lull as we looked to each other to establish some sense of reality. I bet you boys have never seen anyone head an elephant before? Hold off on the reality. Taking rectal examinations to unseen new levels, the crocodile hunter drove his head up that elephant’s arse like you would a firework to a helpless cat on Halloween. He pulled out sweaty and satisfied and sat back down among us as if nothing had happened. That would’ve made more sense. At this stage we’d given up on Mitch, only spotting him dancing like a spastic hawk long after the heading. He returned in denial, stuck with the ball and chain don’t you know. He’s shrimped. As verbal assaults gathered pace, SteveO nonchalantly took centre stage. Anyone have any toilet paper? I just shit myself. As the boy in the striped pyjamas walked off into the moonlight with a hand full of his own shite, Brown Batman had been promoted to Black Batman and we needed to get the fuck out of there before our situation became permanent. We said our goodbyes, much to the dismay of Aussie Steve. You can’t leave me with these cunts! We had to.

When we got back to our camp our attempts to tell everyone about Narnia seemed to make it all the more improbable. Like retired soccer players harping on about the glory days, all we wanted was to get back in the dressing room. So as if just to prove to ourselves that all this weird shit actually happened, we went back. And there they were, shrimping more than ever. The elephant. Roscco ride the elephant. He approached it tentatively, not wanting to startle it but as he went to mount it the dumb brute collapsed from under him. He’s fucked man. In fact he was Styrofoam, revealed to us by an enemy camper who literally tore the hole off it minutes later, much to Mitch’s horror.  I don’t even want you guys to meet her. You’re animals. We were certainly something alright.

As the sun rose Natalie popped her head out from the tent. Turns out we were in the right place, but our time had come to leave. We walked back in silence trying to process it all. Each of us had front row seats to the freak show. If we thought a little less of ourselves, maybe we’d admit we were part of it. Played leading roles even? We left the theatre behind wondering if any of it were real, facing down the barrel of a daunting clean up. Amongst the carnage we found the popped balloons, and for the first time in a long time, we were normal.



The Shallow Network

The old swipe and wipe

Who doesn’t love the magic of social media? You download Tinder because you lack the confidence to talk to a girl in real life. You choose a girl solely based on her looks and swipe the ugly ducklings that repulse you back into obscurity without a second glance. You make these decisions more often than not while sitting on the toilet, trawling through hundreds of girls between pushes. You get a match while wiping and not only is she beautiful but the girl looks to have an incredible sense of adventure. Not a selfie in sight which shows modesty. Her movie references are on point and her taste in music could form the soundtrack to your lives together. She’s both funny and charming. Seemingly perfect.

Why not meet up? Oh well, see, she only displays four pictures on her tinder profile. Any girl could look good four times in their lives, right? So you steer the chat to get her surname, thus supplying you with the ammunition to find her on Facebook and critique her further. You hadn’t seen her legs before. Smoking hot pins, great calves and five toes on each foot. Dayumm, she’s so nice.  Oh no. Hold on. A bit of zoom action. Is that a birthmark on her left knee? You clean your screen to make sure it’s not just a smudge from the chocolate you gorged last night while watching that movie, alone, again. Hmm, maybe it’s just a freckle? What to do? Unsure, you decide it’s better to cool off this chick just to be safe. Can’t be seen out in public with some sort of leopard skinned she-cat freak. You’re a gent though, not like the rest of them. Let her down softly. Tell her you’ve just come out of a serious relationship. Or you’re going away for a while. Or you’re.. No silly, there’s an unmatch option in the corner. And just like that, she’s gone. How could anyone not love this thing?

We are a ruthless generation, conveniently avoiding emotional confrontation as a result of such virtual eject buttons. Most human interaction is done online without personal consequences to the perpetrator, though you can be sure that feelings are being hurt daily on the other side of the coin. Cyber bullying is without question a major offence today, yet such is the fragile nature of our virtual reputations, the smallest inquisitive emoji can have devastating consequences. That innocuous addition of the embarrassed monkey at the end of your comment could force princess Rachel to scalp her head, download American History X and change her name to Roxy because she may never be popular with the ‘qool’ kids.  How does such a trivial act illuminate our insecurities? And why the fuck do we care what people think anyway? The apparent necessity to fit in will lead to the demise of the individual.

Who are we to determine imperfection?

I remember an old school friend of mine started dating a girl ‘way out of his league’. Not my words. That expression is a myth founded on rejection. If the girl thinks she’s too pretty for a guy making an effort, she’s evidently a cold shallow bitch and the guy’s better off without her. Vice versa, if the guy’s too intimidated by a girl’s looks to even contemplate approaching her, then he’s clearly not deserving of such a prize. Confidence isn’t the offspring of beauty, prime example typing right here. And having it doesn’t guarantee success, again, hey! But it’s infinitely better casting a reel than not to experience the thrill of the chase at all. There’s too many fish not to get a bite eventually anyway. And in my friend’s case, he caught a beauty.

She was a babe. Mesmerising eyes, a radiant smile, a great body, a bubbly personality and an enchanting singer. My buddy on the other hand was gifted with a pair of char grilled lamb chops for eye brows. He looked like a cartoonist’s depiction of a very angry man, only he was permanently animated. But he had the balls to go for it and here he was with this goddess on his shoulder. We often wondered how a fella like him ended up with an angel. Instead of being happy for the guy we’d joke that there was something wrong with her. Maybe she had no nipples or farted during sex one time? Anything to help us come to terms with our mate’s fortune. Why couldn’t we just accept it and forget our jealousy? Maybe it’s because, deep down, in our evil subconscious, we knew we were right. Sure enough, there was a revelation one evening seemingly hollower than our hearts. She only had one leg. What a relief! Faith in humanity restored. She was handicapped. And all of a sudden we were satisfied and needless to say, they’re no longer together. But who knows why?